Well, it seems to day is comics day around here. First it was
Calvin &Hobbes, and now it's
Rosa's The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck is a comic book
masterpiece. It’s one of my all-time favorite stories, a tribute to one of
the all-time greats, Carl Barks, by a guy
who isn’t too far shy of that title himself. Expertly researched and
threaded through an existing continuity in a way that’s still incredibly
accessible to readers. And yet, every time I read it, I find myself
thinking “wouldn’t this be better if it was told through the timeless
medium of Finnish prog rock?”
Via Jeff Cuscutis through
MyGoogleFaceSpacePlusBook, Don Rosa Draws For a Finnish Rock Album
About Scrooge McDuck
Um … I never asked myself that question either, but the video presented of
one of the songs has me intrigued enough to maybe pick up the album when it
comes out.
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