Bunny and I were at the Apple Store (she was there
to pick up her repaired Mac laptop; I was along for the ride) when I saw
Hipstamatic (an unfortunate name in my opinion), which is a tripod
mounting case for the iPhone 4 (yes, I have one now—I love it,
but both Bunny and I are still pissed off at The Other Monopolistic Phone
Company because—well, it's a long story and do we even need an
excuse to loathe any Monopolistic Phone Company?). Ever since I got the
iPhone, I've been trying to figure out a way to get it mounted to a tripod,
and when I saw this, I snapped it up.
The only bit I'm concerned about is a crucial bit—the actual tripod
adaptor. It's a small L-shaped piece of metal that screws into the tripod
and the case slips over it (it's that vertical bar just below the circle
design on the front of the case). This piece is small and I can see it
being easily lost.
But it works and it's a simple design, even if it's a bit pricy.
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