The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Oh, so that WAS the problem

The problem wasn't with OSPFit was with the port settings.


I keep forgetting that on Cisco routers, interfaces named “Ethernet” are only 10Mbps, while “FastEthernet” are 100Mbps. Also, 10Mbps interfaces are not full duplex, but half duplex.

Now that I've made those changes, the problem seems to have gone away.

I have to remember: Ethernet are 10Mbps, FastEthernet are 100Mbps.

“I promise—THIS is a webkiller!”

Web Killer
01 May 2006 12:38:34 -0500

Web Killer is the code name for V2, a new technology that will eventually replace the World Wide Web. We finely have a technology to take us to the next level of online computing.Find out where its going, what it means for you and how you can be apart of the journey. (

Welcome to the First Phase …

There isn't much to the site that actually describes what V2 is, or does, or how it accomplishes or wishes to accomplish what it wants done, or much of anything other than “Hey! The Internet as you know it is dead! And we're the ones that are going to replace it with our cool technology! Please donate!”

Believe are not, you are witnessing history in the making. Write here and write now we are preparing to launch a totally new online world apart from the World Wide Web.

From and what you see is exactly what appeared on the website.

There's even less here than at the website of the fastest proprietary 80x86 based operating system (at least at the time, you got something that booted), and from the looks of things, V2_OS (I doubt there's a relation between the two, but you never know) it failed to take the Internet by storm (in the seven years since I first linked to it).

They have some lofty goals (“It will eventually cut your taxes because government will be streamlined and a lot more efficient in utilizing and administering its resources.”) but until I see something more substantial (“show me something!”) I personally don't see this going anywhere fast.

The Google Conspriacy A-go-go (for lack of a better title)

The more I read this site that's critical of Google, the less I understand what the heck Google is trying to do (and yes, I realize the site in question is heavily biased against Google, but unlike some other sites, this one doesn't come across like a conspriacy laden crack pot).

I always thought that Google made their money selling intranet (read: large private networks) search appliances and that the IPO was a legal requirement due to their number of outstanding shares. But from their recent filing (link via this page) they're no longer making the money they once were—perhaps they saturated the intranet search market?

I just don't understand what's going on inside Google.

Anyways, I decided to check how the Google AdSense is doing, and lo! I've made some money! I'm now up to stratospheric $8.19! I can afford lunch! Woot! I'm guessing some of the changes I've made behind the scenes have actually worked (basically, adding <!-- google_ad_section_start --> and <!-- google_ad_section_end --> around the actual content) so the Google Ads get to stay for the moment.

I also checked Amazon and while I'm doing way better with them, it's actually less money than I made in the same amount of time last year—I think the “mad money” I made with Amazon had more to do with timing than anything else.

One of the few bands that I'll bother to see in concert

I don't care for concerts and I've only been to a handfull in my life (well, excluding the ones I worked when I worked for the FAU auditorium stage crew) but there are a few bands (half a dozen) that I might make an exception and actually attend a concert.

I'm not sure what I dislike about concerts—the crowds of people, the huge venues (although I've only been to once arena concert—the rest have been at clubs) or the opening acts (none of the opening acts I've seen have been worth it—in fact, for once concert there were two opening acts; the first sucked, and the second one sucked loudly—fortunately the actual band we came for more than made up for the horrible opening acts) or the fact that concerts never start at the time printed upon the ticket.

And last night, there was an hour wait (tickets said 7:00 pm, things didn't start until 8:00 pm) and the opening act was … eh. Half the friends I went with found the opening act (forgot his name, but he played a ukelele and most of the songs seemed to have the same melody but different lyrics) and the other half hated the guy. Mercifully he only played for half an hour.

Half an hour later—

They Might Be Giants

—took to the stage.


[They Might Be Giants, but they seem much bigger to me] [Confetti, shot during the song James K. Polk]

You'll have to excuse the pictures—those are the best ones that my cell phone took during the concert.

It's been awhile since I last saw them in concert—90? 91? 92?—back then it was just the Johns. This time it was the Johns and the Dans (although the drummer wasn't a Dan, oddly enough). And since it's been awhile, about half the material was new to me, which was nice.

But oddly enough, of what I consider their “signature” songs, Particle Man, Instanbul (was once Contantinople) and Birdhouse in your Soul, they didn't play Particle Man. Minor nit-pick though.

And they were certainly worth the horror of the ukelele playing opening act.

Obligatory Picture

Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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