The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Poor defaults in a user interface

I was on my cell phone when it chimed. At the time I thought it was someone trying to call me, but afterwards, there was no indication of a missed call and nothing new on my voice mail.


Then, maybe an hour or so later, it chimed again. By the time I could get to it, there was no indication of what happened to cause my cell phone to chime.

Then another hour or so later, it chimed yet again. This time I was able to get to it to see it flash the “Low Battery You Idiot! Recharge Me!” message for about two seconds before it went away.

While it's nice that the message will go away unattended, it's not nice that it goes away in two seconds. Five seconds, I might have caught it the second time (when I wasn't chatting away on the phone). Ten seconds might be better.

I wish I could do networking right

I may have spoke too soon.

Smirk called and said he was experiencing DSL issues—his connection dropped several times today for up to a minute or so. I told him it might be a port configuration problem (which is what caused the problems on Wednesday) and that I would talk to Dan the Network Engineer about it (Dan being the expert on the type of router we use for our core).

But I took a look, and from what I can see, it may not be a port issue but an OSPF issue:

May 01 00:07:12 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %OSPF-I-ADJCHGTOFULL, Process 0, Nbr XXXXXXXXXXXXX on interface XXXXXXXXXXXXX changed to state FULL, Loading Done
May 01 00:09:36 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %OSPF-I-ADJCHGTOFULL, Process 0, Nbr XXXXXXXXXXXXX on interface XXXXXXXXXXXXX changed to state FULL, Loading Done

The interface in question is the one between the core router and the DSL router. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with one of the OSPF routers participating is at the end of an authenticated PPPoE connection over DSL since the only complaints seem to be isolated with the connection between the core router and the DSL router.

Looks like I'll be doing some heavy reading in the next day or so.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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