The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Friday, Debtember 01, 2023

Unit testing from inside an assembler, part II

I started working on unit tests from inside the assembler. I'm not sure how MOS does it (as I don't read Rust) so I'm making this up as I go along. I'm using the following file as a test case for the work:

lfsr		equ	$F6

		org	$4000
start		bsr	random

the.byte	fcb	$55
the.word	fdb	$AAAA

;	RANDOM		Generate a random number
;Entry:	none
;Exit:	B - random number (1 - 255)

random		ldb	lfsr
		andb	#1
		andb	#$B4
		stb	,-s
		ldb	lfsr
		eorb	,s+
		stb	lfsr

	.test	"random"
		ldx	#.result_array
.setmem		sta	,x+
		bne	.setmem
		ldx	#.result_array + 128
		lda	#1
		sta	lfsr
		lda	#255
.loop		bsr	random
	.assert	/B <> 0 , "degenerate LFSR"
		tst	b,x
	.assert	/CC.z <> 1 , "non-repeating"
		inc	b,x
		bne	.loop
	.assert @the.byte == $55 && @@the.word == $AAAA , "tis a silly test"
.result_array	rmb	256




		end	start

I've made the “unit test” … thing, a backend (like I have for binary and Color Computer-specific output as backends) because it's less intrusive on the code and I wasn't sure where to assemble the test code (within the memory space of the 6809). By making this a specific backend, it should be apparent that this is not for the final version of the code.

So far, I have it such that all the non-test backends don't see the code at all:

                         | FILE test.asm
                       1 | 
                       2 | lfsr            equ     $F6
                       3 | 
                       4 |                 org     $4000
4000: 8D    04         5 | start           bsr     random
4002: 39               6 |                 rts
                       7 | 
4003: 55               8 | the.byte        fcb     $55
4004: AAAA             9 | the.word        fdb     $AAAA
                      10 | 
                      11 | ;***********************************************
                      12 | ;       RANDOM          Generate a random number
                      13 | ;Entry: none
                      14 | ;Exit:  B - random number (1 - 255)
                      15 | ;***********************************************
                      16 | 
4006: D6    F6        17 | random          ldb     lfsr
4008: C4    01        18 |                 andb    #1
400A: 50              19 |                 negb
400B: C4    B4        20 |                 andb    #$B4
400D: E7    E2        21 |                 stb     ,-s
400F: D6    F6        22 |                 ldb     lfsr
4011: 54              23 |                 lsrb
4012: E8    E0        24 |                 eorb    ,s+
4014: D7    F6        25 |                 stb     lfsr
4016: 39              26 |                 rts
                      27 | 
                      28 |         .test   "random"
                      29 |                 ldx     #.result_array
                      30 |                 clra
                      31 |                 clrb
                      32 | .setmem         sta     ,x+
                      33 |                 decb
                      34 |                 bne     .setmem
                      35 |                 ldx     #.result_array + 128
                      36 |                 lda     #1
                      37 |                 sta     lfsr
                      38 |                 lda     #255
                      39 |         .tron
                      40 | .loop           bsr     random
                      41 |         .assert /B <> 0 , "degenerate LFSR"
                      42 |                 tst     b,x
                      43 |         .assert /CC.z <> 1 , "non-repeating"
                      44 |         .troff
                      45 |                 inc     b,x
                      46 |                 deca
                      47 |                 bne     .loop
                      48 |         .assert @the.byte == $55 && @@the.word == $AAAA , "tis a silly test"
                      49 |                 rts
                      50 | .result_array   rmb     256
                      51 | 
                      52 |         .endtst
                      52 |         .endtst
                      53 | 
4017: 12              54 |                 nop
                      55 | 
                      56 | ;***********************************************
                      57 | 
                      58 |                 end     start

    2 | equate      00F6     3 lfsr
   17 | address     4006     1 random
    5 | address     4000     1 start

Ignore that line 52 shows up twice here—that's a bug that I'll work on (my initial fix removed the duplicate line, but line 51 didn't show up—it's not a show-stopping bug which I why it's going on the “fix it later” list). Also, the labels the.byte and the.word don't show up on the symbol list at the end due to a “feature” where labels that aren't referenced aren't printed (that was to remove unused equates from the symbol list). So for the non-test backends, the actual testcase isn't part of the build.

The other added directives, like .tron, .troff and .assert are also ignored by the other backends if the directives appear outside a “unit test.”

With the .test backend though, all the directives are recognized and most of them work, although I'm still working on .assert (see below).

One issue—when to run the actual tests. Right now, the code is run when then .endtst directive is hit, as running the code as it's assembled won't work well I think, especially with branches and calls to other routines, and it would be a nightmare to get correct. It's easier if all the code exists in “memory,” but one issue I've noticed is that any code further down in the file can't be used. I'll have to move the execution of tests to after the assembly pass is done.

The .tron and .troff directives work, dumping out the instructions between them as the code is run:

... lots of lines cut
PC=402A X=40B4 Y=0000 U=0000 S=7FFE DP=00 A=09 B=D2 CC=-f-i---c | 402A 8D   DA     - BSR   4006               ; ----- backwards 
PC=402C X=40B4 Y=0000 U=0000 S=7FFE DP=00 A=09 B=69 CC=-f-i---- | 402C 6D   85     - TST   B,X                ; -aa0- 411D = 00
PC=402A X=40B4 Y=0000 U=0000 S=7FFE DP=00 A=08 B=69 CC=-f-i---- | 402A 8D   DA     - BSR   4006               ; ----- backwards 
PC=402C X=40B4 Y=0000 U=0000 S=7FFE DP=00 A=08 B=80 CC=-f-in--c | 402C 6D   85     - TST   B,X                ; -aa0- 4034 = 00
... more lines cut

Another issue is dealing with the .assert directive. I have to save the test somehow since the assembler can't do the check when it parses the .assert because not all the code for the test has been assembled yet. I could store the text to the test expression and then evaluate it at run time, but as this code shows, that would mean re-interpreting the text many, many times. No, the solution I came up with is a mini-Forth-like language for evaluating the test expression.

Yup, I'm embedding a mini-Forth interpreter in a 6809 assembler written in C.

A classic blunder I'm sure, like getting involved in a land war in Asia, or going against a Sicilian when death is on the line, but I'm not sure of any other way. The mini-Forth is very small though, only 41 words are defined, but it's enough for my needs. The first .assert expression translates to:

VM_CPUB		( push contents of the B register onto the stack )
VM_LIT 0	( push a literal 0 onto the stack )
VM_NE		( compare the two, leaving a flag on the stack )
VM_EXIT		( exit the VM )

The second one to:

VM_CPUCCz	( push the CC zero flag )
VM_LIT 0	( push a literal 0 )
VM_NE		( compare the two, leave flag on stack )
VM_EXIT		( exit the VM )

And the last one to:

VM_LIT 0x4003	( push the literal 0x4003 )
VM_AT8		( fetch the byte from the 6809 memory buffer )
VM_LIT 0x55	( push the literal 0x55 )
VM_EQ		( compare the two, leave flag on stack )
VM_LIT 0x4004	( push the literal 0x4004 )
VM_AT16		( fetch two bytes from the 6809 memory buffer )
VM_LIT 0xAAAA	( push the literal 0xAAAA )
VM_EQ		( compare the two, leave flag on stack )
VM_LAND		( AND the two results, leaving flag on stack )
VM_EXIT		( exit the VM )

This works, and it was easy to implement the VM. Now all I have to do is parse the expression to assemble the VM code (right now the addresses and VM functions are hard coded into the assembler just to prove it works).

This feature is proving to be an interesting problem.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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