The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Guess who made predictions for 2025? Can you say “Nostradamus?” I knew you could

Of course Nostradamus has predictions for 2025! When hasn't he had predictions for any given year?


So far, checking a few of the articles, not many have bothered to print the quatrains in question, and the one article (of which I hesitate to link to) I found that displays a translation of the quatrain, never bothered to list which quatrain it is.

And because the quatrains listed are translated, it's hard to locate the original in Nostradamus' writings.

For instance, this quatrain:

When the coin of leather rules,
The markets shall tremble,
The crescent and brass unite,
Gold and silver lose their value.

Doesn't seem to exist at all. Checking the version of Nostradamus at Project Gutenberg:



Par guerre longue tout l’exercite espuiser,
Que pour Soldats ne trouveront pecune,
Lieu d’Or, d’Argent cair on viendra cuser,
Gaulois Ærain, signe croissant de Lune.


By a long War, all the Army drained dry,
So that to raise Souldiers they shall find no Money,
Instead of Gold and Silver, they shall stamp Leather,
The French Copper, the mark of the stamp the new Moon.


This maketh me remember the miserable condition of many Kingdoms, before the west-Indies were discovered; for in Spain Lead was stamped for Money, and so in France in the time of King Dagobert, and it seemeth by this Stanza, that the like is to come again, by reason of a long and tedious War.

The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, and one of the best astronomers that ever were.

This is the only quatrain where “leather” appears. And there's nothing in that quatrain about gold and silver losing their value. Moving on, another quatrain from the article I was able to locate:

4. The Surge of Natural Disasters

Nostradamus warned of a year marked by hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes, driven by geological instability, solar activity, and climate change. His depiction of “hollow mountains” and poisoned waters paints a grim picture of devastation, particularly in vulnerable regions like the Amazon rainforest.

“Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of the hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.”

The confluence of these natural calamities could accelerate global efforts to combat climate change and reimagine disaster resilience. Yet, the cost in lives, resources, and environmental destruction underscores the urgent need for collective action before catastrophe becomes routine.

And let's see what the commentary from the 1600s said about this quatrain:



Jardin du Monde aupres de Cité neufve,
Dans le chemin des Montagnes cavées,
Sera saisi & plongé dans la Cuve,
Beuvant par force eaux Soulphre envenimées.


Garden of the World, near the new City,
In the way of the digged Mountains,
Shall be seized on, and thrown into the Tub,
Being forced to drink Sulphurous poisoned waters.


This word Garden of the World, doth signifie a particular person, seeing that this Garden of the World was seized on and poisoned in a Tub of Sulphurous water, in which he was thrown.

The History may be this, that Nostradamus passing for a Prophet and a great Astrologer in his time, abundance of people came to him to know their Fortunes, and chiefly the Fathers to know that of their Children, as did Mr. Lafnier, and Mr. Cotton, Father of that renowned Jesuit of the same name, very like then that Mr. du Jardin having a son did ask Nostradamus what should become of him, and because his son was named Cosmus, which in Greek signifieth the World, he answered him with these four Verses.

Garden of the World, for Cosmus of the Garden, In his travels shall be taken hard by the New City, in a way that hath been digged between the Mountains, and there shall be thrown in to a Tub of poisoned Sulphurous water to cause him to die, being forced to drink that water which those rogues had prepared for him.

Those that have learned the truth of this History, may observe it here. This ought to have come to pass in the last Age, seeing that the party mentioned was then born when this Stanza was written, and this unhappy man being dead of a violent death, there is great likelyhood, that he was not above forty years old.

There is another difficulty, to know which is that new City, there being many of that name in Europe, nevertheless the more probable is, that there being many Knights of Maltha born in Provence (the native Countrey of our Author) it may be believed that by the new City he meaneth the new City of Maltha called la Valete, hard by which there is paths and ways digged in the Mountains, which Mountains are as if it were a Fence and a Barricado against the Sea, or else this Cosmus might have been taken by Pyrats of Algiers, and there in the new City of the Goulette be put to death in the manner aforesaid.

Nothing about it being 2025 when this comes to pass. Nothing about hurranes, tsunamis or earthquakes. It's almost as if Nostradamus was being intentionally vague about his prophesies. It could very well be about Naples, Italy, seeing how it's on the coast nestled in between volcanoes.

Or maybe Los Angeles. Yes, it's Los Angeles, land of Shake and Bake.

Of the other five “Nostradamus prophesies” mention in the aricle, none were written by the man. It's almost as if one could just make up Nostradamus prophesies. Why not?


Friday, January 03, 2025

It's more like computer security theater than actual security

In w3m, to edit a form textarea,

    f = fopen(tmpf, "w");
    if (f == NULL) {
        /* FIXME: gettextize? */
        disp_err_message("Can't open temporary file", FALSE);
    if (fi->value)
        form_fputs_decode(fi->value, f);

    if (exec_cmd(myEditor(Editor, tmpf, 1)->ptr))
            goto input_end;

exec_cmd is some setup and teardown around a system(3) call with the user's editor and the temporary file. This is not good for security, as it allows w3m to execute by default anything. One tentative improvement would be to only allow w3m to execute a wrapper script, something like

    exec /usr/bin/vi -S "$@"

or some other restricted editor that cannot run arbitrary commands nor read from ~/.ssh and send those files off via internet connections. This is better, but why not disallow w3m from running anything at all?

    if (pledge(
          "cpath dns fattr flock inet proc rpath stdio tty unveil wpath",
          NULL) == -1)
       err(1, "pledge");

Here we need the “proc” (fork) allow so downloads still work, but “exec” is not allowed. This makes it a bit harder for attackers to run arbitrary programs. An attacker can still read various files, but there are also unveil restrictions that very much reduce the access of w3m to the filesystem. An attacker could make DNS and internet connections, though fixing that would require a different browser design that better isolates the “get stuff from the internet” parts from the “try to parse the hairball that is HTML” code, probably via imsg_init(3) on OpenBSD, or differently complicated to download to a directory with one process and to parse it with another. That way, a HTML security issue would have a more difficult time in getting out to the interwebs.

Security Hoop

What I find annoying is the lack of any type of attack as an example. It's always “data from da Intarwebs bad!” without regard to how it's bad. The author just assumes that hackers out there have some magical way of executing code on their computer just by the very act of downloading a file. The assumption that some special sequence of HTML can open a network connection to some control server in Moscow or Beijing or Washington, DC and siphon off critical data is just … I don't know, insane to me. Javascript, yes, I can see that happening. But HTML?

And then I recall the time that Microsoft added code to their programs to scan JPEG images for code and automatically execute it, and okay, I can see why maybe the cargo cult security mumbo-jumbo exists.

What I would like to see how opening a text editor with the contents of an HTML <TEXTAREA> could be attacked. What are the actual attack surfaces? And no, I won't accept “just … bad things, man!” as an answer. What, exactly?

One possible route would be ECMA-35 escape sequences, specifically the DCS and OSC sequences (which could be used to control devices or the operating system respectively), although I don't know of any terminal emulator today that supports them. Microsoft did add an escape sequence to reprogram the keyboard (ESC “[” key-code “;” string “p”) but that's in the “private use” area set aside for vendors.

This particular attack vector might work if the editor is running under a terminal or terminal emulator that support it, and the editor in question doesn't remove or escape the raw escape sequence codes. I tried a few text editors on the following text (presented as a hexadecimal dump to show the raw escape sequence):

00000000: 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 1B 5B 34 31 6D 72 65 64 This is .[41mred
00000010: 1B 5B 30 6D 20 74 65 78 74 2E 0A 0A             .[0m text...

None of the editors I tried (which are all based on the command line and thus, use escape sequences themselves to display text on a terminal) displayed red text. The escape sequence wasn't run as an escape sequence.

Another attack might embedding editor-specific commands within the text. This is a common aspect of some editors, like vi. And I can see this being concerning, especially if the commands one can set in a text file include accessing arbitrary files or running commands.

A third attack could be an attempt to buffer overflow the editor, either by sneaking in a huge download (like say, a file with a single one gigabyte line) or erroneous input (for example, if the editor expects a line to end with a CR and LF, send an LF then CR). Huge input is a bit harder to hide, but suble erroneous input could cause issues.

This is why I feel such articles are bad—by not talking about actual threats they enforce a form of “learned helplessness.” Everything is dangerous and we must submit to onerous measures to keep ourselves safe. Sprinkling calls to pledge() aren't the answer. Yes, it helps, but not thinking critically about security leads to a worse experience overall, such as having to manually edit a file which would still be subject to all three of the above attacks anyway. By identifying the attacks, then a much better way to mitigate the attacks could be found (in this case, an editor that strips out escape sequences and does not support embedded commands; and yes, I know I have a minority opinion here—sigh).

And to address the bit about parsing HTML—is parsing really that fraught with danger? All you need to parse HTML is to follow the explicit (and in excruciating detail) HTML5 specification. How hard can that be?

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