The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Never trust input, and you can still leak stuff with garbage collection

We're still IOT testing (yes, five months, but we're doing IOT testing with The Monopolistic “We Don't Have To Care, We're The” Phone Company where things move slower than molasses in Antarctica) and I'm finding it interesting (in the Chinese sense of the term) to see “actual real world data” rather than the “pristine theoretically correct data” we've been using for testing (because in theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice …).

For instance, I've been reeiving reports that “Project: Sippy Cup” (which implements a subsection of SIP) was only processing less than 5% of the OPTIONS requests (which informs the other side if we're ready for processing, but also informs the other side what other type of requests we support). Odd, as our internal testing was handling every OPTIONS request we sent.

So I added some addtional logging:

  1. Log everytime we receive a packet.
  2. Log everytime we get an OPTIONS request.
  3. Log the results of sending a reply to an OPTIONS request.

and I get back:

Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9901: OPTIONS from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9902: send OPTIONS response to ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060 datasize=581 sentbytes=581 err=Success
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9901: OPTIONS from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9902: send OPTIONS response to ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060 datasize=581 sentbytes=581 err=Success
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9901: OPTIONS from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060
Sippy-Cup9902: send OPTIONS response to ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060 datasize=581 sentbytes=581 err=Success
Sippy-Cup9900: received from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9901: OPTIONS from ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060
Sippy-Cup9902: send OPTIONS response to ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::8]:5060 datasize=581 sentbytes=581 err=Success

At first, I thought perhaps the output sent was filtered to just those three messages and some other messages, like, “Sippy-Cup0014: ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060 sent garbage” or “Sippy-Cup0055: ip6:[fc00:0:60:8a1::9]:5060 sent an unknown call” were filtered out.

Nope. What I saw is what got logged.

Fortunately, the actual network packets had been captured so I could look at them. And I immediately saw the problem.

“Project: Sippy-Cup” is written in Lua, since it's easier to parse text in Lua than in C (it's easy to parse text with LPeg), and each request is handled in a Lua coroutine—it makes following the code a lot easier since it can be written in a straight-forward procedural way rather than with callbacks or complex state machines and what not. The only trick here is that for any operation that might block, the code has to manually insert a call to coroutine.yield() to let another coroutine run (if there are any to run).

In SIP, all the messages pertaining to a phone call each have a unique identifier, and it's this identifier I use to know which coroutine to run when a message comes in (or spwan a new coroutine if this is a new call). The OPTIONS request isn't really part of a normal call, but I had assumed, like other SIP requests, that they too, would have a unique identifier.

It turns out that no, The Monopolistic “We Don't Have To Care, We're The” Phone Company is gladly using the same “unique” identifier for each OPTIONS request, mostly … occasionally they'll generate a new “unique” identifier just to keep us on our toes.

Or something like that.

Okay, that did reveal the actual bug though—I wasn't releasing the reference to the coroutine when processing an OPTIONS request. Had I done that, it wouldn't have mattered, since I wouldn't have a reference to a coroutine with that particular “unique” identifier, and a new coroutine would have been created to handle the OPTIONS request.

Which goes to show you that not only is input weirder than expected, but even in a language with garbage collection, you can still leak resources.

Japanese wood porn

[No glue, no nails, no visible joints.  The Japanese are insane.]

There's a Japanese style of woodwork called sashimono where no nail or glue is used when making joints. Just intricate cuts using scores of custom saws and planes (no power tools here) to make blind joints (joints that do not show).

It's insane.

And it's incredibly beautiful.

I asked both Bunny and her brother (who's currently visiting) if they would take up sashimono, and in unison, both said “Oh XXXX no!” They're perfectly happy to use power tools and typical jointery for their woodworking projects, not that I blame them.

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