Friday, March 14, 2008
From the Gold Coast to the Space Coast
In just a few minutes, Bunny will be by, and then we'll be off to the Kennedy Space Center for the weekend. We'll be staying at the Luna Sea Motel while we're up there.
I'm expecting to have a fun time.
I've got my camera, my tripid and my Moleskine, so I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
Lunacy on the way to the Luna Sea
We left Casa New Jersey around 2:30 pm.
Four hour later we arrived at The Luna Sea Motel.
![Across the street from the ocean yes, but it's still a two block walk [Luna Sea Motel: AAA, AARP & Military Rates]](/2008/03/14/lunasea.jpg)
We endured constant traffic jams, inaccessible gas stations and fast food that wasn't fast (nor food, but I digress); thankfully we finally arrived at our destination for the night.
![It's nice except for that hideous color [It's nice except for that hideous color]](/2008/03/14/lunaseabuilding.jpg)
We had no problems checking in, but I did find it rather odd that we had to pay homage to the Great Luna Sea Motel God before we could get the keys to our room.
![“Ooom poppa chikamaga wana sing gow / Do lomma sinnigama mana ching jow / Inimana choogamaga wana sing gee / Finimana foonimana one is now free” [“Ooom poppa chikamaga wana sing gow / Do lomma sinnigama mana ching jow / Inimana choogamaga wana sing gee / Finimana foonimana one is now free”]](/2008/03/14/lunaseagod.jpg)
So now we're just relaxing in the room, chilling out as the A/C blasts snow at us until we get hungry enough to get dinner.
![Your typical motel room—nothing special to write home about [Your typical motel room—nothing special to write home about]](/2008/03/14/room.jpg)
Tomorrow: The Kennedy Space Center.
L a g
I swear, I think browsing the web at 300 baud would be faster than the wireless network here at The Luna Sea Motel. It's also persnickedy and if I don't have my laptop aimed just right I lose the signal.
I don't think I'll be updating much more until I get back.