The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.”

I'm a bit relunctant to write this, as I'll come across as an old man yelling at the clouds to get off his lawn, but the whole “update treadmill” the Computer Industry has foisted on us is getting tiresome.

Bunny now wears a CGM prescribed by her doctor. It's a small disk that adhears to the back of the upper arm and sends readings of blood sugar via Bluetooth. Bunny has an app on her smartphone that records the information and forwards it to her doctor. The app is fine; no real problems with using it.

Until this morning.

Bunny woke me up to inform me that the app just stopped working, because her smartphone hadn't been updated in the previous 20 minutes.

What the XXXX

It was working fine the previous night. What updates were required? And why drop support for older operating systems? Oh yeah … right … it's hard to support systems older than 20 minutes.

And some PM somewhere needed to justify their job.


Things are working fine, how that the operating system on her smart phone was updated (only took several hours). But still … gah!

“… and water is wet! Film at 11!”

Time for more yelling at the clouds.

A few days ago I was surfing on my iPad when I came across An Astronomy Club of Brevard, NC. Now, my iPad is a bit, shall we say, slightly out of date? So it was with sadness when I saw:

Your Browser Is
No Longer Supported

To view this website and enjoy a better online experience,
update your browser for free.

Followed by a list of browsers.

You know, I thought we left that behind in the early 2000s, but apparently not.

I then viewed the site on my desktop computer and … why? Why do I need a less-than-20-minute old browser to view seven images and some text? Why does it take 193 requests to even show the page? At a minimum, you have the HTML, CSS and seven images, so … nine requests? Okay, maybe some Javascript to do the animations designers are so fond of.

But 193 files?

I'm not blaming the Astronomy Club of Brevard for this. They're using Wix to create and host the website, so I'm laying the blame solely at Wix here for going completely overboard with the JavaScript. Do web developers know you can create a perfectly good site with just HTML and CSS?

Yeah, I'm yelling at the tide to stop coming in.


Obligatory Picture

Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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