Sunday, October 29, 2023
Inflation has seriously affected the Nigerian scams
Normally, I would ignore these Nigerian scam emails but this one—this one is gold:
- From
- Federal Emergency <>
- To
- undisclosed-recipients:;
- Subject
- Attention Dear
- Date
- Wed, 25 Oct 2023 01:46:19 -0700
REGION II - NJ, NY, PR, VI 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1337 New York, NY
REGION III - DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV 615 Chestnut Street 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106Congratulations to the owner of this email account, Please If you received this email in your spam folder it could be due to your Internet Service Provider, (ISP). move it to your inbox before responding, The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has added an event wide notice for 4504DR-KS (4504DR) 2023, Event Wide Notice: FEMA Established Deadlines for COVID-19 Funding,
This is to intimate the owner of this email account with very important information, The United Nations and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has made available a total sum of US$102,000,000,000,000 to world governments for distribution to Twelve Million successful company and business emails users. You're qualified and chosen for the (UNCC & FEMA) covid19 outbreak compensation payment of $8,500,000.00 USD only. Kindly contact the Secretary-general of the United Nations for the claim of more details. Contact Mr. Antonio Guterres through below email for the claim of your funds. $8,500,000.00,
CONTACT Mr. Antonio J. Guterres
phone: +1-(409)-571-2111
kindly text him for an urgent response.Body: FEMA established deadlines for the Public Assistance for COVID-19 events to assist states, tribal nations, localities, territories, and eligible private nonprofits in pandemic response and recovery. 30th December 2023 is the deadline for Applicants to submit their Request for Public Assistance for the COVID-19 pandemic incident. You can apply for reimbursement funding from FEMA for recovery efforts. 30th December 2023 is also the end of the 100% federal cost share for eligible COVID-19 response and recovery work. Any work that Applicants conduct or complete before 30th December, 2023 or after will be funded at 90% federal cost share,
yours faithfully, Miss. Deanne Criswell,
I think this is a record—one hundred trillion dollars in compensation. Yes, inflation is currently on the rise, but I don't think the United States has one hundred trillion dollars. Is the author perhaps confusing us with Zimbabwe? I'm happy to report that the math in the email works out, so some effort was given here. But aside from the decent grammar, the math working and the monetary amount, nothing else about this is really noteworthy.