The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Notes on syslog support from Mac OS 11.6.4

Yes, I know, Mac OS-X 11.6.4 is more than 20 minutes old. Shut up! Anyway, a bit more about syslog() support on Macs.

Our components (like Project: Lumbergh) compile on Macs. We do initial testing on Macs. Also, our components use syslog(). And it's not like Mac OS-X has dropped syslog() entirely—our code still compiles. But syslog() isn't quite working as I expect it to work.

When I run tests, I monitor the logs in real time—I've configured both my Macs (the older one, and Belial, the annoying Mac Laptop) to forward syslog messages to a central server, which I can then monitor in real time based using my syslogd replacement (I should probably go into detail about how that works, but that's beyond the scope of this entry). Yes, I am seeing messages show up:

Mar 09 18:27:20	user	notice	entering bootstrap mode 
Mar 09 18:27:20	user	notice	exiting bootstrap mode 
Mar 09 18:27:20	user	warn	Service exited with abnormal code: 254 
Mar 09 18:27:26	daemon	notice	aciseagentd	Function: loadXMLCfgFile Thread Id: 0x2E77D40 File: ConfigData.cpp Line: 46 Level: warn :: ISEPostureCFG.xml not found, using defaults 
Mar 09 18:27:26	daemon	notice	aciseagentd	Function: GetConfigData Thread Id: 0x2E77D40 File: ConfigData.cpp Line: 220 Level: warn :: The cfg parameter for numeric value VlanDetectInterval was invalid. Using default. (XML was ) 
Mar 09 18:27:40	user	notice	entering bootstrap mode 
Mar 09 18:27:40	user	notice	exiting bootstrap mode 
Mar 09 18:27:40	user	warn	Service exited with abnormal code: 254 
Mar 09 18:27:46	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:27:50	user	notice	Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[316] 
Mar 09 18:28:00	user	notice	entering bootstrap mode 
Mar 09 18:28:00	user	notice	exiting bootstrap mode 
Mar 09 18:28:00	user	warn	Service exited with abnormal code: 254 
Mar 09 18:28:20	user	notice	entering bootstr

So the syslogd forwarding is working (although I'm not sure which service exited due to SIGKILL since that information isn't logged, but whatever, I'm getting logs forwarded by syslogd on Belial). But when I run our stuff? Nothing comes through.

This code comples and runs:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <syslog.h>

int main(void)
  for (int pri = 0 ; pri < 8 ; pri++)
    syslog(pri,"This is a test %d",pri);
  return 0;

But I'm not seeing the logs being forwarded. And even when I edited /etc/syslog.conf to read:

# Note that flat file logs are now configured in /etc/asl.conf

install.* @
*.*       @
*.*       /tmp/log-all-the-things.txt

The /tmp/log-all-the-things.txt file wasn't even created! There are messages being forwarded to, but aside from that, it's as if everything else in this file is being ignored. After some searching, I did find about about the log program. I ran log stream –process syslogt in one window, then my test program syslogt in another, and behold:

[sconner]belial:~>log stream --process syslogt
Filtering the log data using "process BEGINSWITH[cd] "syslogt""
Timestamp                       Thread  Type    Activity PID    TTL  
2022-03-09 18:28:16.110052-0500 0x3513e Default 0x0      19313  0    syslogt: This is a test 0
2022-03-09 18:28:16.110914-0500 0x3513e Default 0x0      19313  0    syslogt: This is a test 1
2022-03-09 18:28:16.110943-0500 0x3513e Default 0x0      19313  0    syslogt: This is a test 2
2022-03-09 18:28:16.110965-0500 0x3513e Default 0x0      19313  0    syslogt: This is a test 3
2022-03-09 18:28:16.110986-0500 0x3513e Default 0x0      19313  0    syslogt: This is a test 4
2022-03-09 18:28:16.111005-0500 0x3513e Default 0x0      19313  0    syslogt: This is a test 5

Logs! Only … not all of them. syslog() supports eight levels of logging, yet this only shows six. The final two, levels LOG_INFO and LOG_DEBUG aren't logged! Even editing the /etc/asl.conf file to read:

# save everything from emergency to notice DEBUG
? [<= Level debug] store

Doesn't help. Levels LOG_INFO and LOG_DEBUG are simply dropped. And guess what level most of our logs are at?

XXXX you, Apple!

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