Saturday, November 06, 2021
Observations of a few oddities, this time on the Intarwebs
Two observations about previous post:
While at Black Dog Salvage Bunny took a picture of me standing next to a large slab of cherry wood (price—a cool $800, and that wasn't the most expensive slab of wood) and then we went on to get lost in the Hall of Doors.
Once we got back to Brevard, I started noticing online advertising for slabs of wood. I wish I was making that up, but no, I started receiving ads for slabs of wood. I'm hoping it was because Bunny and I watched a few wood working videos on Youtube and not because of a picture Bunny took of me.
But I'm not holding my breath.
I use Duck Duck Go as my search engine. While I was writing the previous entry, I used Duck Duck Go to search for the Black Dog Salvage Company website. The first link, I click, and I'm redirected directly to some spam pharmacy site wishing to extend my mortgage by 3″ (or 8cm for those Imperially challenged).
Hmmm, I thought, perhaps they let their domain expire.
Curious, I go back to a previous entry just to check the link there, and no, it goes to the Black Dog Salvage site.
Now I'm paranoid. I check the link on Duck Duck Go, and it's
. I check the link on the Black Dog Salvage site I'm viewing, and it's
. It's the same text! I have no idea what to think! Perhaps some black arts to game the results in Duck Duck Go? I don't know.
Okay, I decided to dig a bit deeper into that last one. I used Google to search for “Black Dog Salvage,” clicked on the obvious result and … ended up at that same sketchy pharmacy site. Now I think that the Black Dog Salvage site has been hacked to redirect people to the sketchy pharmacy site when coming from a search engine, and not something wrong with Duck Duck Go or Google.