The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

What's a vacation without a bit of surealism?

It seems I only have these odd encounters when on vacation. I was walking towards the lobby of the hotel as half a dozen people, probably early 20s, maybe, were walking the other way. The one in front stops, and asks me directly, “What's your first name?”

I notice he's wearing a name tag attached to a lanyard, and in large bold letters is his name: XXX.

“Sean,” I say. “I see your name is—”

“And what's your last name?” he blurts out before I can finish.


“Cool! What's your middle name?”


“Thanks.” And the group starts walking down the hall.

It was then I noticed the familiar yellow of a school bus through the front door of the lobby.

Extreme empty shelves with draconian limits, Livonia, Michgan edition

Bunny and I were at a drug store when I came across this section of empty shelves:

[Some empty shelves with multiple signs on it that all say “All SquishMallows Limit 1 per household per day NO HOLDS”] Oh great!  Now I'm gonna have to hit the SquishMallows black market to get my fix!

I have no idea what “SquishMallows” are, but whatever they are, stores in the area are unable to keep them on the shevles, even with draconian restrictions. Man, the Barbarians in this area! Keeping the SquishMallows off the shelves like that!

For a recipe that my aunt Kay never made, it was quite good

Bunny and I met with my aunts Kay and Jan at Plymouth Roc, a restaurant partly owned by Kay's son Jordan, who is also the groom in the upcoming wedding on Friday.

As we were leaving, Jordan came from the kitchen, bearing a bowl of candied walnuts. “Here you go,” he said. “I made it from my mother's recipe.”

“I never made this!” said Kay.

“But my customers don't know that,” Jordan said.


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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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