The talk of “enterprise software” in the previous entry reminds me of the time I worked at Negiyo,
twenty years ago.
Back then Negiyo had an issue tracking system that was built in-house.
It was very nice,
because the people who were building it were also using it so they were subject to the same pain points as everybody else in the company.
But towards the end of my time there,
it was decided by “the executives” that it had to go and be replaced by some third party “enterprise class” ticketing system.
I wasn't there for the switch-over,
but I had friends who were,
and from what I remember,
everyone hated it,
and it took a few years for it to come close to the capabilities of the in-house ticketing system.
I have to wonder what the incentives are for this type of idiocy to happen.
Strippers and steak?
Hookers and blow?
Executives trying to justify their jobs?
Or is it some form of capex/opex tax thing?
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