When I awoke,
I noticed that the DSL was back up.
I immediately logged into my web server and did a traceroute
back to Chez Boca.
Over the past few days when I've run traceroute
I noticed that when we were down the traffic was always hitting the same IP address,
and the short time we were up,
traffic was being routed around that “bad” IP address.
But I saw the packets go through the “bad” IP address and I realized that the Monopolistic Phone Company had finally gotten its act together and fixed the broken link.
I then informed Bunny that there was no need to upgrade our data plan with the Oligarchist Cell Phone Company.
Now I can watch cat videos get back to work without trouble.
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ahead, I won't bite. I promise.
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you don't notice it, don't worry; it's not all that
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