The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

“… a subtle fruity and sweet, highly aromatic cup … ”

When drinking hot tea, I tend to prefer loose leaf tea. It's a thing, I guess. So I was rather surprised to find loose leaf tea on the menu at the restaurant tonight.

[Organic Darjeeling Estate.  We're in Boca, dahling.  Of course it's organic!]

Good tea. And it was cheaper than Bunny's lemonade (go figure!).

Writing Chinese umopapisdn

Back in my university days, I took a class in Chinese calligraphy (because … well … just because). While I only learned how to write about a dozen different logograms I did learn that there is a definite “drawing” order in writing them (generally, left to right, top to bottom), and because of that, the individual strokes will have a certain “look” to them.

So while Bunny and I were at an Asian-themed restaurant tonight, I noticed some Chinese logograms on the wall.

[Even umopapisdn (it helps if you turn your head upsidedown), this is way better than it used to be.  At one point, they had random lines on the walls that some clueless “artist” thought looked like Chinese writing.  I found that way more annoying than this.]

They were upsidedown.


Once I saw those, I could not ignore them.


Notes on an overheard conversation while eating at an Asian-themed restaurant

“That looks like some form of chili pepper.”

“Yup. I decided against putting them in my soup.”

“Hmm … let me try one.”

“Are you sure?”

“Ooh … that has a bite.”

“How hot?”

“It's got a definite bite to it. My lips are tingling.”

“That's pretty hot then.”

“Oh … my libs! I can't feel my libs! They're numb!”

“I'm definitely glad I didn't put them in the soup.”

“Ahhhhh! My libs! I can'b feeb my libs!”

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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