The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Notes about a Lua lint checker

Luacheck is a static analyzer and a linter for Lua. Luacheck detects various issues such as usage of undefined global variables, unused variables and values, accessing uninitialized variables, unreachable code and more.


The one real issue I have with Lua is its dynamic typing. Of all the bugs I fix in my own Lua code, I would say that the majority are due to typos (wrong variable name) or an unexpected type. So I was quite happy to come across and try out Luacheck. And fortunately, it's pretty straightforward to run.

I ran it over “Project: Sippy- Cup” and … wow. The extensive regression test I have has already flushed out the typos and the unexpected type errors I tend to make. But Luacheck found quite a few unused variables (which is nice—it also found a bunch of unsused LPeg expressions) and a ton of unintentional global variables (because I forgot to declare them with local).

The output is easy to read (here's a representative sample from some non- work related code I have):

Checking ptest-cr-select.lua                      Failure

    ptest-cr-select.lua:53:9: variable amount was previously defined as an argument on line 52
    ptest-cr-select.lua:128:9: variable okay is never accessed
    ptest-cr-select.lua:193:40: unused argument event
    ptest-cr-select.lua:197:43: shadowing upvalue conn on line 194
    ptest-cr-select.lua:213:21: shadowing upvalue argument event on line 193
    ptest-cr-select.lua:215:15: unused variable rem
    ptest-cr-select.lua:215:15: shadowing upvalue rem on line 194

Total: 7 warnings / 0 errors in 1 file

About the only false positive it finds is this idiom:

function foo(param1,param2)
  local param1 = param1 or "default value"
  local param2 = param2 or 3
  local a = ...
  -- ...

where it will flag param1 and param2 as shadowing an upvalue. This idiom though, is used to provide a default value if a parameter isn't given to a function. It's easy enough to fix, either:

function foo(param1,param2)
  param1 = param1 or "default value"
  param2 = param2 or 3
  local a = ...
  -- ...


function foo(param1,param2)
  local param1 = param1 or "default value" -- luacheck: ignore
  local param2 = param2 or 3 -- luacheck: ignore
  local a = ...
  -- ...

Overall, I'm glad I found this tool. It's been a real eye opener.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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