The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

How can you be a Hipster if you aren't using a Hermes 3000?

Jeff Cuscutis commented on my post “The Hipster typewriter is no Hermes 3000 (at MyFaceGoogleSpaceBookPlus):

The whole thing is ugly. If you really want the hipster writing experience, get a real portable typewriter. Then you can annoy your fellow coffee shop patrons.

And then he linked to this article about someone who annoyed fellow Intarweb users with his portable typewriter:

I definitely look like someone who is a bit insane. That’s how I thought of it, before I clicked to look at the hundreds of replies; I figured people were probably wondering why I would bring my typewriter to a park. And when I started reading the comments, I saw most people had already decided that I would bring my typewriter to the park because I’m a “XXXXXXX hipster.” Someone with the user handle “S2011” summed up the thoughts of the hive mind in 7 words: “Get the XXXX out of my city.”

Illmatic707 chimed in: I have never wanted to fist fight someone so badly in my entire life.

Leoatneca replied: Bet 90% of his high school did to. It’s because of these guys that bullying is so hard to stop.

I Am An Object Of Internet Ridicule, Ask Me Anything - The Awl

While he may look like a Hipster, he's far from one—for crying out loud he's using a 1979 Royal Safari portable typewriter! No Hipster would be caught dead using that. Now, had he been using a Hermes 3000

What's with the Hermes 3000 anyway?

“So, what's with this Hermes 3000 business?” you may ask.

Go ahead. Ask. I'll wait.

And for the answer, you'll have to read the graphic novel The Guy I Almost Was. Don't worry, there's nothing to buy—the entire thing can be read online.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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