Friday, August 15, 2014
ATM inside … ENJOY!
Bunny and I had a recomendation, and we were in the neighborhood, so we decided to give the Boynton Diner a try.
The food was okay, not exceptionally good to write about. I would not have given this former seafood restaurant (really—the decor just screamed “I AM A SEAFOOD RESTAURANT! LOOK ON MY WORKS, YE HUNGRY, AND DESPAIR!”) a second thought but for it's great attention to making money.
![They sold AD SPACE on their outdoor sign‽ [They sold AD SPACE on their outdoor sign%#8253]](/2014/08/15/cash-or-check.jpg)
Checks? Really? You accept checks? You can't be bothered to accept credit cards? Debit cards? Checks?
It's nice that they have an ATM so they can get a nice cut of the $3 “convenience fee” when using it.
They also had placemats. They're not rare. A lot of restaurants have place mats. What a lot of restaurants don't have are placements crammed with advertising—every last millimeter.
On the placemats!
At this point, it was surprising that were not running custom advertising on the televisions mounted around the restaurant (although I am loath to give them the idea).
Like I said, the food was okay and the service was good. It was just the incessant advertising that got to us.