Wednesday, February 01, 2012
“You mean there are worse programmers than rabid howler monkeys on crack?”
I broke The Protocol Stack From Hell™. Again. It's a common occurance whenever I attempt to run a load test (nominally against our own code, but it has to run through The Protocol Stack From Hell™ and well, The Protocol Stack From Hell™ just tends to crumple). It's not fatal, just a severe annoyance at having to restart everything and hope it all comes back up.
I talked to R about this, seeing how he has over twenty years of experience with telephony protocols. I mentioned just how bad The Protocol Stack From Hell™ is, and ask if there was anything better.
I was informed that most of the major telephony players, like AT&T, wrote their own stack, but there do exist two commercial offerings, one being The Protocol Stack From Hell™ that I keep going on and on about. The other one …
R said that the other one is not only more expensive, but it's worse!
The stack we're using, the one written by rabid howler monkeys on crack, is the better of the two.