The Real World.
Yo, word! It's Wednesday. Time for “Viva Lost Wages”, Real World style.
Half the episode the cast spent worrying about saving Ryan's privates as he heads back towards Iraq, and the other half of the episode the cast spent all their money at an Atlantic City casino. It was especially upsetting to watch Katelynn blow over $600 at the blackjack tables, given how Scott saved her financially two weeks ago (show time).
Devyn, too young to actually lose her wages at the casino, lost her mind instead when she got a lapratdog, so, you know, she could be responsible and stuff. The only person who didn't lose anything was JD, who won about $3,000 as a slot zombie.
This show had better end soon, as by now, I would have voted everybody off the island, except for Scott, who seems to be the only genuine person there.
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