The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Have flashbulb, will travel

Thanks to my prior employment in the airline industry, I get to fly free to most major cities in the US, Canada, Europe and the Caribbean. Therefore, I would charge nothing for this portion of my travel. You pay only my low per-day fee plus my actual expenses to get from the airport to your location. My prices start at $500 for a one-day shoot at a non- commercial event, plus my actual expenses. This fee includes several days of editing afterwards. (You'll find this is much less than most photographers charge.) What you get in a week or less is a DVD with both the edited photos and the original ones.

Via Glenn Campbell, Photographer for Hire

Apparently, there's a lot you can do if you have no home and almost no possessions and free airfare for the forseeable future.

I think climate change is something we still don't fully understand

IT has been a tough year for the high priests of global warming in the US. First, NASA had to correct its earlier claim that the hottest year on record in the contiguous US had been 1998, which seemed to prove that global warming was on the march. It was actually 1934. Then it turned out the world's oceans have been growing steadily cooler, not hotter, since 2003. Meanwhile, the winter of 2007 was the coldest in the US in decades, after Al Gore warned us that we were about to see the end of winter as we know it.

In a May issue of Nature, evidence about falling global temperatures forced German climatologists to conclude that the transformation of our planet into a permanent sauna is taking a decade-long hiatus, at least. Then this month came former greenhouse gas alarmist David Evans's article in The Australian, stating that since 1999 evidence has been accumulating that man-made carbon emissions can't be the cause of global warming. By now that evidence, Evans said, has become pretty conclusive.

Yet believers in man-made global warming demand more and more money to combat climate change and still more drastic changes in our economic output and lifestyle.

Via Flares into Darkness, Climate hysterics v heretics in an age of unreason

I was afraid I came across too strong in replying to Spring's post about “African Americans, Global Warming, and a Just Climate Policy for the U.S..” But as I was reading that report, my blood pressure just kept going up and up. Meteorologists have a hard enough time predicting the weather two weeks out, and yet to read this report, Global Warming™ is a done deal and we're all screwed, especially African-Americans, who aren't at fault; it's us non-Hispanic whites who need to be strung up.

Oh, sorry.

I do follow this stuff, and from what I understand, there is no consensus about Global Warming™, except from those who follow the secular religion of Environmentalism.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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