The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A pitch machine—you know, a machine that can change the pitch of a human voice—would have been just as good …

“What would you have done differently?” asked Bunny. “I didn't find Batman's voice all that bad.”

What would I have done?

Well, if you can suspend your disbelief enough to accept a billionaire playboy dressing up in a black BDSM masked suit and beating up on criminals, then I suppose one could just have the actor portraying Bruce Wayne/The Batman use the same voice, same as every other incarnation of The Batman (although Bunny doesn't like that idea, claiming that people aren't dumb—“Hey! You sound just like that billionaire dude—Wayne something or other!”).

My other idea (and I suspect this isn't going to be popular at all) is to use two different actors—one for Bruce Wayne (I thought Michael Keaton did an excellent Bruce Wayne in Tim Burton's Batman, but made a lousy Batman) and a different actor for The Batman (I felt Val Kilmer's Batman was much better than his Bruce Wayne in Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever). This would help (I think) to underscore the dualistic nature of Bruce Wayne/The Batman.

Either of those two options, in my opinion, is much better than having Christian Bale imitate a 90 year old 5-pack-a-day smoker when talking as The Batman.

I still suspect he's paying too much for his airline travel …

I am a furloughed airline employee recently laid off due to service cutbacks. Bad news? No, great news! I get to keep my free travel benefits until the airline decides to rehire me!

I am passing my good fortune on to you by making this offer: For $500 plus the actual cost of gas, I will drive your car, van, light truck or RV anywhere in the continental USA or Canada. Since my return flight costs me nothing, I'll charge you nothing for it. Vehicle delivery usually in 5 days or less. I'll even take your pets and care for them along the way!

National Car Transport Service for $500 plus gas—Pets, too!

Not only does Glenn Campbell live in a car, but he's got an unusual job now too.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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