The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Interview with a Fed

In April, Kip Hawley, the head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), invited me to Washington for a meeting. Despite some serious trepidation, I accepted. And it was a good meeting. Most of it was off the record, but he asked me how the TSA could overcome its negative image. I told him to be more transparent, and stop ducking the hard questions. He said that he wanted to do that. He did enjoy writing a guest blog post for Aviation Daily, but having a blog himself didn't work within the bureaucracy. What else could he do?

This interview, conducted in May and June via e-mail, was one of my suggestions.

Interview with Kip Hawley

Being a former Fed herself, Bunny often takes me to task for some of my more outrageous “anti-government” stances, and the difficulty faced by Federal law enforcement in protecting our country.

But … it's the TSAsecurity theater at it's finest! A target even easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

And to his credit, Kip Hawley even mentions as much in this interview, which I think is well worth reading.

(I had thought of titling this entry “Interview with a Vampire” but thought that might be a bit too much. I would have done “Interview with a Vampire Fed” but adding HTML to the title would render my RSS feed invalid. I only mention this because I really liked the idea.)

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