Oh my … now this is brilliant, although you may need to watch the video to grasp the full concept.
Now, before you click on that link, let me warn you it's about a new programming language/paradigm, based upon a two-dimensional way of programming (although, oddly enough, even a two-dimensional programming language isn't new).
It's a neat idea, and the development system presented in the video incorporates ideas on what an IDE should do for you. I can also see using a similar tool that might solve (or at least, points towards a solution) a particularly thorny programming problem that still lacks a good name. How I envision the solution to that as-yet unnamed problem is a list of objects across the top of a table, all possible actions down the left side, and at each intersection, you supply the code to handle that object with that action.
Hmmm … using a spreadsheet as a programming editor …
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