Wednesday, Debtember 12, 2007
While the Internet appears to deal well with censorship, it seems to fall a bit flat when it comes to other crimes
Well, hmm, that's odd, I thought, they were there yesterday.
I clicked on the links in the email that I'd sent, and sure enough, all of them showed 404: File Not Found errors. “Now that's damn odd,” I thought.
I went back and repeated the Google search. The same comporomised servers came up. I clicked on the links in Google and found myself redirected to the virus droppers.
I clicked on the links in the email and found myself staring at a 404 File Not Found error.
I clicked on the links in Google and found myself at a virus dropper.
A light bulb went on. “Aha!” I thought. “I bet these redirectors hide themselves! If you visit one of these pages from Google, it'll redirect you; but if not, it won't!”
Via Spring, Polyamory and crime on the Internet
There are three things that would make the Internet a better place. Two are pretty easy, and the third is “pie-in-the-sky” wishful thinking, but anyway …
- Isolate Russia from the Internet.
- Isolate China from the Internet.
- Wipe Windows from the Internet (this is the “pie-in-the-sky” wishful thinking bit).
And while the first two options appear to be rather drastic in nature, they probably won't help as much as the third option (and really, if the third does happen, then the first two probably won't have to be done at all).