The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

I came across this article about CFLs perhaps being worse for the environment than the traditional incandescent bulbs:

It's quite odd that environmentalists have embraced the CFL, which cannot now and will not in the foreseeable future be made without mercury. Given that there are about five billion light bulb sockets in North American households, we're looking at the possibility of creating billions of hazardous waste sites such as the Bridges' bedroom.

Usually, environmentalists want hazardous materials out of, not in, our homes. These are the same people who go berserk at the thought of mercury being emitted from power plants and the presence of mercury in seafood. Environmentalists have whipped up so much fear of mercury among the public that many local governments have even launched mercury thermometer exchange programs.

Via Flutterby, The CFL mercury nightmare

and was greatly amused at the unintended consequences of attempting to be enviromentally sound.

Then I came across some additional information about mercury filled CFLs at Instapundit and maybe, just maybe, things aren't quite as bad as they seem.

Personally, I almost wish it were true, just to see the environmental greenies get their panties in a wad and try to spin this (and yes, I'm bad that way).

“Stop all this violence or I shall be forced to kill you!”

need something to blog about?
Mon, 30 Apr 2007 14:36:46 -0400

In case you need something to blog about, check out this new bill being proposed for congress:

Have fun with this one. Department of Peace and Nonviolence indeed.

Of course it's author is the same guy who just proposed a new bill to ban all handguns.

I actually came across this a few weeks ago and thought about blogging it then, but then came to my senses and realized that this has no way of ever passing both Houses and the President's desk.

Well, until the Democrats have a super majority over both Houses anyway (or both Houses and the Presidency).

Then again … given President Bush's lack of vetos …

Naahhhhh. This won't pass. This is too silly, even for us.

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