After spending several hours wiring up a few customers to our network, Smirk and I ended up at Denny's (funny how no one ever sets out to go to Denny's, but inevitably end up there) and the topic of Coral Castle and how Edward Leedskalnin, weighing all of a 100 pounds, could build such a structure by himself (where some of the blocks used weigh as much as nine tons).
I mentioned to Smirk that I came across a possible technique which basically uses leverage, counter weights and pivot points but that I didn't remember the actual details. So imagine my surprise when I found a video of the technique while reading Jason Kottke's blog.
It was then that I remembered that I mentioned this technique two years ago.
So there you go Smirk—a way that Edward Leedskalnin could have built Coral Castle (secret message to Spring: maybe this is it, and maybe it's not).
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