The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Two small tickets

Yeah … look into two tickets before I go home.


I had come to The Office today to attend a networking meeting between us and the other company we share Internet resources with. At the end of the meeting I had asked Smirk if I could go home.

“Yes, but before you do,” he said, “could you look into two tickets?”


Both were networking issues, and both were along the lines of “the Intarweb is kinda broke.”


Oh, I also had to stick around to let R, our wireless guy into the Data Center as he did some wireless stuff.

By the time R left, I hadn't gotten anywhere. The one issue with XXXXXXXX was odd—they could get to some sites, but not others. And I was having major difficulty in getting into their managed firewall (we manage it for them). The other issue, with another company, was even worse—the Intarweb just … pauses … from time to time. There was nothing I could see from our side of the network.

So once R left, I decided to leave as well.

Just as I pulled into the driveway at Casa New Jersey, I got a call from R—he needs access to the Data Center.


And just before I pulled out of the driveway, Smirk called back. He was at a customer site trying to troubleshoot a networking issue.

More sighage.

Back to the office. Help R powercycle the wireless device. While there, help Smirk troubleshoot the networking issue at the customer site.

I got home around 9:30 pm.


Loud and cheap. Expensive and quiet. Both are quite nice.

From Flutterby comes the link to the Ariel Atom, a sporty little car (for only £30,000) with a 300hp engine that can do 0–60 mph in 2.9 seconds.

Oh, and it only weights about a thousand pounds.

Also from the same Flutterby post is a link to the Tesla Roadster, another 300 hp sportscar that is entirely electric.

Although it's a bit more pricey than the Ariel Atom, at about $80,000.

Both of which I wouldn't mind owning.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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