The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Busy beaver

It was a very busy day today, finishing up installing and configuring the servers up in Charlotte. Just look at what I've been doing over the past two days:

set up resolving name server on lumbergh [this is our management server—bonus points for figuring out why it's named “lumbergh”]
" P
" SP
" SH
" R
clean up startup scripts P [shutting off scripts that we don't need stated at boot time]
" SP
" SH
" R
check port descriptions
reset up VLANs
set up reverse DNS in IPs
set up reverse DNS on private network
set up hosts file for critical machines lumbergh
" ns8
" ns2
" P
" SP
" SH
" R
set up DNS for CTL [“CTL” is the airport code for Charlotte] private network
set up DNS for CTL
save configuration for U (router)
" T (router)
" E (router)
" A (router)
" S (router)
" W (router)
update network map for BCT [and “BCT” is the airport code for Boca Raton]
create network map for CTL
create VLAN for 225 block
configure eth0 for P [All this refers to making sure the port settings, like speed and duplex, are set correctly for each server, not what the IP it has]
" eth1 " P
" eth0 " SP
" eth1 " SP
" eth0 " SH
" eth1 " SH
" eth0 " R
" eth1 " R
" eth0 " lumbergh [can't do that for these servers, as I found out]
" eth1 " lumbergh
" eth2 " lumbergh
" eth0 " ns8
" eth1 " ns8
" eth0 " ns2
forward root mail lumbergh
" ns8
" ns2
" P
" SP
" SH
" R
set ns2 port auto negotiation
check version of sendmail on lumbergh
" ns8
" ns2
" P
" SP
" R
" SH
set ns8 port for auto negotiation
set ns8 private port for auto negotiation
set lumbergh private port for negotiation
set up NTP on lumbergh
" ns8
" ns2
" P
" SP
" R
" SH
set up SNMP on lumbergh
" ns8
" ns2
" P
" SP
" R
" SH
reconfigure sysconfig on lumbergh
set up Apache + PHP + MySQL on lumberg
set up Cacti on lumbergh
set up /etc/resolv.conf on lumbergh
" ns8
" ns2
" P
" SP
" R
" SH
" U (router)
" D (power controller)
" A (power controller)
disable SELinux for P
" SP
" R
" SH
update IPTables for SNMP P
" SP
" R
" SH
update IPTables for NTP P
" SP
" R
" SH

The order is in the order I wrote it down (on a small notepad—it's five pages long) and not the order I need to do these things on. It's quite hard to reorganize hand written notes like that. And the items not checked off can wait a bit for implementation (under the category of “it'd be nice, but it's not critical”).

But we're ready to start using the servers up in Charlotte.

Obligatory Picture

Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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