Monday, August 07, 2006
Lost pictures
Man, am I pissed.
I'm copying the pictures I took yesterday off the digital camera:
[spc]marvin:/Volumes/NO NAME/DCIM/100OLYMP>scp * \ /Volumes/WORKGROUP\;LINUS/images/2006/0806/
And as I always do after transfering the images (I had assumed the pictures copied okay):
[spc]marvin:/Volumes/NO NAME/DCIM/100OLYMP>delete *
(in this case, delete
is an alias for /bin/rm
and rm
is an alias for echo "This command doesn't
—don't ask).
Only the copy didn't work out as expected (okay, who's bright idea was to
include semicolons in Mac OS-X mounted volumes? Especially for those of us
who like working at the command line?). I ended up with
one (1) picture, named
. The last
picture on the camera, which was of the cheeseburger I had yesterday after the movie (should have used
but mistyped).
Lost: pictures of the 50s decorated Denny's. Those of Gregory, Spring, The Kids, Wlofie, some random customers at said Denny's. And two reserved spots in a parking garage protected by two of those automated arms that go up and down.