Sunday, July 16, 2006
Viva Lost Wages
Besides being 61 years since Oppenheimer became Shiva, it was one year ago today that I flew out to Las Vegas with my friend Hoade.
I must not have finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince since I haven't finished (or even started) the write up of the trip. I still have the notes, on 88 5×3″ pages (a small wirebound notebook).
Penny slots no longer
take pennies but
nickels. They are being
phased out for more money
making machines.595 Prime rib
potatopix 42–43 Carpet of
Hôtel San Réno [mispelled in notebook, it's supposed to be Rémo —Editor]
Dancing Bartenders
Centerfuge @
MGM Grand.Notes from page 18 of “Viva Lost Wages!” notebook
pix 42 mentioned above
pix 43 mentioned above
I really need to finish up writing about the trip, which included a sidetrip to Rachel, Nevada which was eerily quiet (quiet enough to hear our shoes squeaking as we walked). I also forgot about the Chinese cook who threatened us with his mad martial knife arts at the Hôtel San Rémo buffet.
I really need to get this written up.