The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

“It was my rerouting to circuit B that saved him.”

[We've gone back and forth several times today about this issue. This is the latest message in the trouble ticket system. I'm not trying to make fun of the customer, but man, it is so tempting … —Editor]

Our clients can not update their sites and they are suffering … Can't you route the communication to that server in a different way?

One of our resellers


You know, you're right. We haven't tried rerouting FTP packets to the server. Let's see … we can peel off the FTP traffic from the HTTP traffic at the Primary Intarweb Interface Matrix and feed it through the secondary sub-intranet bridge instead of through the primary LAN tokenizer substation hub … hmm … while the FTP traffic is now going to the secondary sub-intranet bridge it's not getting past the IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD packet scrubber. Odd.

Okay, instead, let's see if I can reroute the traffic from the secondary sub-intranet bridge through the dual-Φ power transformer at … let's see … probably need to make sure the bits are phased at 60Hz at 51.5° (to induce harmonic pyramidal overtones), making sure to bypass the GFCI (dangerous, I know, but if you know what you are doing, and are very careful, it should be okay) and then tap the secondary coil on the server in question, couple it to the APCI DMA via the unused SCSI controller and then finally into the TCP/IP stack … and—


It worked!

Try it now!

Now, off to repair the primary LAN tokenizer substation hub.

[And no, despite how tempting it might have been, I did not send this as a reply, but instead restarted the FTP server.]

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