My friend Bunny slightly mistook my entry on Dan Brown's Digital Fortress, thinking I was looking down on her for liking the book. Not in the sightest—I personally don't like the book, but hey, people have raved about Gravity's Rainbow, claiming it a literary masterpiece of the 20th Century; I couldn't get past 50 pages. Heck, I couldn't get into Lord of the Rings and that pretty much makes me a pariah in Geek Circles.
On the flip side, there are things that I like that I am hesitant to even mention liking that I know are bad, such as my fascination with the singing career of William Shatner (it's not that I like it … oh heck, yes! I like it! There!). So while Bunny likes Digital Fortress, I like a guy that can't even sing properly.
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