Monday, Debtember 19, 2005
There are some that don't know?
Just because the front page said “Inside Area51: Secret government UFO center finally exposed” I just had to get it. I mean, it's Area 51 for crying out loud. Now, on the front page it says:
and it's ALL TRUE!
[and if by now, you haven't guessed I'm talking about the Weekly World News, then you haven't been paying attention much at the supermarket checkout lanes]
Now, with such stories as The 24 Days of Christmas and Thanksgiving Attack of the Turkey From Hell you know the articles in the Weekly World News isn't real.
But that's part of the charm of the newspaper. It's so over the top (“Gal topples office building in a fit of rage”) and I'm surprised that anyone would believe anything that's reported in it.
But sadly, just inside in the lower left hand corner, just below the headline that reads “Slipper Power: Man with large fuzzy slippers creates enough electricity to heat his house,” it states:
Weekly World News articles are drawn from different sources and most are fictious. Weekly World News uses invented names in many of its stories, except in cases where public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental. The reader should suspend belief for the sake of enjoyment.
Somehow, I just find that sad that such a disclaimer has to be printed.