Spring's father wanted to eat at a
steak house tonight. Not a problem if we were still living at Condo Conner
or the Facility in the Middle of Nowhere. Having lived in that area for
almost twenty years one gets to know the types and locations of a variety of
restuarants that can match almost any need.
But here at Casa New Jersey?
Heck, it took me an hour to find the Home Depot that's just around the
corner last week. And I've yet to locate an actual branch of my bank
(heh—down in north Broward/south Palm Beach counties every other
building contains a branch of my bank).
Gary (Spring's
father) and I ended up driving for over half an hour looking for a Roadhouse
Grill I glimpsed … last week? Yesterday? Somewhere … sometime
Finally found it next door. I knew it was close by
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