Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Scientific legends and lore of the lost age of the 80s
I made the first home improvement here at Casa New Jersey. There was (“was” being the operative word there) this … overly ornate light switch cover in the master bathroom and the first order of business was to get that replaced. It was difficult to find the actual switch due to the intricate relief work of the switch cover. There's now a plain white switch cover and The Kids have a new, overly ornate light switch cover for their room.
I also unpacked lots and lots of small boxes of books (if they were large boxes of books, they would have been “hideously way too heavy” instead of the merely “ludicrously heavy” they were) and managed to make some room. As it stands, I'm having to play a form of Sokoban since I have so much stuff. I only have one shelf unit (fortunately it's the insanely large one) in its final place so I was able to load it up with books, revealing some floor space with which to shift some of the other shelves into place, which I can use to unload some more boxes to reveal more floor space with which to shift other shelves …
We're still without Internet access—we have it, it's just that we need to set up some computer to actually activate the connection, and I'm still a ways away from having enough floor space to layout the table in the bedroom (unfortunately, there is no separate Comptuer Room here at Casa New Jersey). But now that the living room is unpacked, there may be space to temporarily set up the computers there until I get my room squared away.
Oh, and the title to this entry? That's the comment Spring wrote on the box of encyclopedias.