The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Some heavy reading during some heavy weather

I got up way too early today, but the upshot is that we have evacuated the Facility in the Middle of Nowhere and are now holed up at Spring's workplace, Negiyo, which is rated for either a Class 3 or a Class 5 hurricane, depending upon who you talk to.

Our current “home” is one of the conference rooms (with two TVs, three microwaves and tons of chairs. Eventually I suppose I'll take a nap or something.

But meanwhile we've got food, drink and I have a stack of books given to me by one of Spring's cow-orkers: Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco, Timely Matrimony by either Kasey Michaels (listed author on the book) or Fern Michaels (listed author at Amazon), Wife in Name Only by Carolyn Zane and Temporary Groom by either Jayne Addiction Addison (book) or Joan Johnston (Amazon). Yes, three trashy romance novels, but together they balance Foucault's Pendulum quite nicely.

Suzi Harper: Bride of the moment

Finding a man these days isn't easy. So when I found a nineteenth-century hunk on a storm-swept beach, I hung on to him! Not only was Harry Wilde single, but he needed a wife to help him survive the modern world. I just couldn't abandon dear Harry.

Harry Wilde: Groom for all time?

Time travel was quite a shock! Even more so was my impromptu marriage to Suzi Harper. The woman was impossible: she spoke without being bidden—and waltzed around so scantily clad! But my modern lady stole my heart. If only it wasn't my destiny to leave her …

Timely Matrimony

Hey, who'd a thunk—a trashy romance novel with a science fiction twist!

“Are we there yet?”

Several hours playing Gauntlet. Several hours playing 9-ball. Several hours of listening to the wind howl and rain beat against the immense skylight in the middle of Negiyo.

Yes, this is how I'm spending this hurricane vacation.

I'm saving the romance novels until things get real desperate.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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