The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

It worked last week …

About a week ago, I was able to successfully mount my home directory, which is on a Linux box, to the Windows XP box we have, using samba. This week however, it's acting strangly.

Map the drive; it's successful. Try listing some files …

 Volume in drive Z is ?
 Volume Serial Number is 2E0D-011F

 Directory of Z:\

File Not Found

Z:\>dir *.jpg
 Volume in drive Z is ?
 Volume Serial Number is 2E0D-011F

 Directory of Z:\

11/12/2000  09:32 PM            15,678 seanroy.jpg
09/05/2002  11:00 PM             7,134 flower.thumb.jpg
04/28/2003  11:32 PM            77,731 Untitled-4.jpg
04/28/2003  11:33 PM           130,531 Untitled-5.jpg
04/28/2003  11:33 PM           137,230 Untitled-9.jpg
04/28/2003  11:33 PM           143,943 Untitled-20.jpg
04/28/2003  11:33 PM           165,048 Untitled-27.jpg
04/28/2003  11:33 PM           128,356 Dad & elephant.jpg
04/28/2003  11:33 PM           143,821 sean at desk.jpg
               9 File(s)        949,472 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   8,011,644,928 bytes free


Like I said—wierd. Short directory listings are fine; anything too large (and I'm still trying to define “too large”) and it simply hangs. But it's not like a massive amount of data causes it to hang—I viewed a 40M Quicktime movie so it's not that. And the behavior just started this week. A week ago—it was fine.

I even went so far as to download, configure, install and run the latest version of samba; it still exhibits the same problem.

Like I said—wierd.

Then again, this is Windows we're talking about …

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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