The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

A Proposal for a Blogging API

There is talk in the blogging circles about standardizing on a blogging API. As Evan Williams (of Blogger) says:

We would love if there were one universal API for blogging tools. It's clear why this would benefit everyone. Our edict at Google is to help the blogging industry. Raise all boats. And, as I've said before, we're not interested in doing more work for the fun of it.

The Tragedy of the API

The consensus seems to be the need for an all dancing, all singing API that is implemented by all blogging software; that this is needed for the community to prosper. But I am not a fan of all singing, all dancing APIs as they either tend to be too simplistic in what they support or overly complex to provide coverage for everything currently being done. Too simple, and it's useless if the underlying software can do more. Too complex and it's hard to test, and hard to write for with excessive data being required just because some obscure product from Andytown, Florida provides it and no one else does, but have to support it anyway.

There's even a comparison between competing APIs which is fine as far as it goes, but only covers what exists now (or will very shortly); what it does not do is look into what features existing blogging software has, nor possible future features (fotoblogs are a relatively recent phenomenon that may or may not be easily supported using the existing APIs). If you are going to do an all singing, all dancing API (since some of the early blogging APIs are too simple in what they allow) then you might as well figure out what features are common across blogs, which ones aren't and therefore how to extend the API without breaking anything.

And hopefully without making it so heavy weight that it's a pain to use. I personally think it's still too early and that the problem isn't fully understood to get a clean well designed API in place, but I can try anyway.

I've looked over the existing and some of the proposed APIs and made notes as to what is needed, what should be optional, and how to provide for extensions. I'm going to skip for the moment the actual transport protocol (DCE RPC, XML RPC or SOAP via HTTP on TCP, other alphabet soup protocols, etc.) and instead concentrate on what the API should do, and what it needs as far as data (and I'm borrowing liberally from the existing APIs as well).

Of primary concern is authentication. While it would be nice to use the existing authentication methods built into HTTP, not all transport protocols tunnel exclusively over HTTP (SOAP, for example), and we can't totally rely on the webserver to allow end user websites to configure this (most, yes, but not all). So including some method of authentication is probably a Good Thing™ so (fields optional unless otherwise specified, types default to strings unless othewise specified; fields marked as binary can contain arbitrary binary data, default values (if any) may be given):

auth DATA
  method      : REQURIED ENUMERATION = 'Basic',
  userid      : REQUIRED,
  credentials : REQUIRED BINARY

The method would most likely be Basic in which the credentials would then be the password (possibly base64 encoded, much like the basic authentication in HTTP. Since the method of authentication is included it can easily be extended for greater security.

Some of the APIs also require data about the client software (Blogger required this, so too does Google to use their API) so might as well define data for that:

client DATA
  appkey : REQUIRED,

Before getting to the data and methods to allow posts, one of the deficiencies I've notice is the rather poor support for users (defined as people who can post to the blog)—note the plural usage there. They seem to assume a blog has sole authorship; not to say that a blog with multiple authors can't use the existing APIs, but it has to be shoehorned in and there is no provision for the owner of the blog (or anyone else with administrative rights) to allow or disallow others to post entries. Another thing to consider is that a person might be allowed to post to multiple blogs (assuming all the blogs in question reside on the same server—think Live Journal or Blogger). Also, perhaps a way to create a new blog on the server through this proposed API:

user DATA
  userid   : REQUIRED,
  blogs DATA[] // this is an array
    blogid : REQUIRED,

// --------------------------------------
// The catagory enumeration consists of
//	'none' , 'light' or 'heavy'
// more on this below.
// --------------------------------------

features DATA
  anonposts : BOOLEAN = 'false', // more on this way below
  comments  : BOOLEAN = 'false', // comments not supported
  trackback : BOOLEAN = 'false', // trackback not supported
  templates : BOOLEAN = 'false', // template editing not supported
  clientid  : BOOLEAN = 'false', // client data is required
  catagory  : ENUMERATION = 'none'

blog DATA
  blogid    : REQUIRED,
  features  : REQUIRED features DATA,
  startdate :          DATE-ISO8601,
  users DATA[]
    userid : REQUIRED,

STRING user.edit // returns userid
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA, //user loggin in
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  user   : REQUIRED user DATA,
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA, //for user being added
  client :          client DATA

user DATA
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  userid : REQUIRED,
  client :          client DATA

BOOLEAN user.delete
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  userid : REQUIRED,
  client :          client DATA

STRING blog.edit //returns blogid
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blog   : REQUIRED blog DATA,
  client :          client DATA

blog DATA
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  client :          client DATA

BOOLEAN blog.delete
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  client :          client DATA

The purpose of the features DATA is to indicate which portions of the API the blog supports, and which ones it doesn't. So if templates is false then there is no use in the client calling the template portion of the API (catagories are handled somewhat differently but I'll get to that). The rights enumeration would probably be something like owner, create (an entry or post), edit (can edit own posts), delete, edit-others and delete-others (with the owner able to do all the above). The templateid array contains a list of currently defined templates that can be manipulated (if supported):

template DATA
  templateid : REQUIRED,
  body       : REQUIRED STRING,
  type       :          ENUMERATION,

STRING template.edit // returns templateid
  auth     : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid   : REQUIRED,
  template : REQUIRED template DATA,
  client   :          client DATA

template DATA
  auth       : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid     : REQUIRED,
  templateid : REQUIRED,
  client     :          client DATA

BOOLEAN template.delete
  auth       : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid     : REQUIRED,
  templateid : REQUIRED,
  client     :          client DATA

You'll notice that I have edit methods but no create methods. In the existing APIs there is no real difference between creating an object and editing an object except for the return code (usually the create call returns an id, and the edit call returns a boolean). I don't really see the need for such a distinction; in the API I have, if the object doesn't exist when you attempt to edit it, it is created. Even though this means that the edit method may end up doing two jobs (creation, and/or modifying) I feel it's cleaner doing it this way. The user interface can hide this though (if I may use some pseudocode here):

if (action == 'new')
else if (action == 'edit')
  templatedata =,blogid,whichtemplate);


Catagory support is not easy—my own software (mod_blog) for instance, has very limited support for catagories (which I call classifications); it pretty much keeps track of catagories as a comma delineated list of catagories (which is more or less free form) so in that case, I'd like the catagory support to be pretty light. But Moveable Type seems to have a bit of a heavier weight interface for catagories. We can define support for the heavier Moveable Type catagory interface:

catagory DATA
  catagoryid : REQUIRED,
  name       : REQUIRED,
  primary    :          BOOLEAN

STRING catagory.edit // returns catagoryid
  auth     : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid   : REQUIRED,
  catagory : REQUIRED catagory DATA,
  client   :          client DATA

catagory DATA
  auth       : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid     : REQUIRED,
  catagoryid : REQUIRED,
  client     :          client DATA

BOOLEAN catagory.delete
  auth       : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid     : REQUIRED,
  catagoryid : REQUIRED,
  client     :          client DATA

But this is overkill for Blogger and my own software. I decided to hedge and in the features DATA I defined the catagory feature as an enumeration: none, light for blogs like Blogger and my own where catagories are simple strings and heavy for blogs like Movable Type, where catagories are more integral to the system. The intent is that a system with a catagory enumeration of none or light won't have to support the above portion of the API.

So now we come down to the whole point of blogging: posts. While the existing APIs assume text based entries, you can shoehorn in other types but it's not exactly what I would call clean (and the MetaWeblog API has definite ideas of what constitutes a post, some of which doesn't map that well to other blogging software, like … oh … my own!) and there is wide difference in metadata support (stuff like titles, catagories, timestamps, etc.)—quite the mess.

post DATA
  timestamp : DATE-ISO8601 = currenttime(),
  author    : user DATA = {
                            userid   = 'anoncoward',
                            fullname = 'Anonymous Coward',
  trackback DATA[]
  body DATA[]
    content-type      : REQUIRED,
    data              : REQUIRED BINARY,
  status DATA
    publish       : BOOLEAN = 'true',
    syndicate     : BOOLEAN = 'true',
    allowcomments : BOOLEAN = 'false',
    anoncomments  : BOOLEAN = 'false',
    iscomment     : BOOLEAN = 'false',
    comments      : NUMBER,

filter DATA
  startdate   : DATE-ISO8601 = blog.startdate,
  enddate     : DATE-ISO8601 = currenttime(),
  number      : NUMBER       = 100,
  published   : BOOLEAN      = 'true',
  syndicated  : BOOLEAN      = 'true'

STRING post.edit // returns postid
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  post   : REQUIRED post DATA,
  client :          client DATA

post DATA
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  postid : REQUIRED,
  client :          client DATA

BOOLEAN post.delete
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  postid : REQUIRED,
  client :          client DATA

STRING[] post.listids
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  filter : REQUIRED filter DATA,
  client :          client DATA

post DATA[] post.list
  auth   : REQUIRED auth DATA,
  blogid : REQUIRED,
  filter : REQUIRED filter DATA,
  client :          client DATA

If you look closely to post DATA you'll notice some wierd things about it. First off, why have both userid (which indicates the author of the post) and author (of type user DATA); then there's parentid and childid. The intent of this wierdness is comment support. There really isn't that much difference between a regular post and a comment to a post—they're both entries written by a person. The major difference being that a post won't contain a parentid (well, I suppose it could) while comments to that post will (which is the postid of the post the comment applies to). Threaded comments fall out of this, if you allow a parentid to be the id of a comment itself.

The intent for having both userid and author is to allow for anyone to post comments (if allowed). This could also be used to allow anyone to make posts without the user having to be added first! And why bother with an API for comments when it'll mostly duplicate the posts API?

I defined the body of post DATA as an array, each element containing the content type and data to allow uploading of not only any type of data, but multiple types of data. On my own blog I often include images in with my posts, so this allows me to not only include text, but the images as well (and I could use the optional name field to specify the filename on the server end) as one self-contained call (which is something else I've noticed that the other APIs haven't addressed).

Is this better than what's out there now? I don't know—my own blogging software doesn't support any of the existing APIs (in fact, I primarily use email to add entries, using existing email headers and some of my own (like the Subject: header for the title) for the meta data. And I think I've covered most of the territory, plus added some other features I've felt were missing or underdeveloped, and I hope that by writing this, I can get some discussion going. But in the end, it's the code that speaks, not the spec.

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