Earlier in the day the dealership called to say my car was
ready. I informed them that I needed to be picked up and they said they
would call back when a driver was available. I was getting worried when
five o'clock was rolling around and they hadn't called back yet. I asked Rob if he would
take me if they didn't call by say, a quarter past five.
He agreed, only to have the dealership call almost immediately afterwards
for directions to the Facility in the Middle of Nowhere. Half an hour later
I was sitting in the curtesy van, listening to the driver talk about the
lack of quality workmanship in today's world.
Lake Lumina was ready and although it was a bit more than I was expecting
(since they did quite a bit of work to bring it back up to spec) the major
problem didn't cost me anything since it was still covered by the warranty.
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