I explained my proposal to Lisa H. Morrice, 44, a PR agent from
California: I will write glowingly about her client's pillows if she
will tell me something really humiliating about herself that I will
also print.
(A colleague of mine had been skeptical of this gambit: PR folks may
be desperate, he reasoned, but they have their dignity.)
Just how glowingly, Lisa wondered.
Very, I said.
“My husband dumped me for a younger woman,” she said.
At this moment, I gave my doubting colleague a cheerful thumbs up.
Via my dog
wants to be on the radio,
the Beltway
I'm still reading the Cluetrain Manifesto and they don't
really care for public relations in that book. And I found it very amusing
that PR people would stoop
so low to get publicity for their clients. At least Alicia Levine
(the last PR flack interviewed
in the above article) got a standing ovation for her humilitating moment in
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