Wednesday, February 13, 2002
Here, we do permalinks right.
Dave Winer is critisizing Cam about not having “permalinks.” First off, what right does Dave Winer have saying how Cam should or shouldn't run his website? Second, about those “permalinks” you have Dave … what purpose does a 33 character anchor have in making a permanent link? The permanent link I'm referencing here is:
Meanwhile, here at The Boston Diaries, the permament link for this entry is:
With the added bonus of not shoving you to some random spot in a much longer page. If you're going to bother doing “permalinks” at least make them short and intelligable.
He just doesn't get it
In addition to Dave Winer complaining about permalinks on CamWorld, Dave also complains about the design of CamWorld. This is funny, given that Dave's software still uses HTML tables for rendering. From reading, it seems that it's quite difficult to design your own templates for his software, in case you want to use something other than HTML tables (like, oh, CSS) and Dave just doesn't get why anyone would want to use anything other than tables for layout, which is funny because he's been pushing for this really funky way to do RPC when the old ways (oh, like CGI) work just as well (*cough* *cough*).
I guess he can't see the trees for the forest in the way.