Spring and I
decided to see The Royal Tenenbaums tonight.
What an odd film. I had a hard time figuring out when exactly the film was
supposed to take place—it seemed that the entire span of 17 years took
place in the 70s, with only a few nodding glances towards the 80s (Ben
Stiller's Nike sweat suits, or “Rock the Casbar” by the Clash in
another scene).
The movie centered around Royal Tanenbaum and his attempts go get back into
the life of his estranged family (they put the fun in
disfunctional). His kids were child prodigies who as adults have
problems coping with life and head back to their parents' home.
We found it entertaining, although I have to wonder how the film was being
marketed since during the movie, we saw several people get up and leave the
theater; about half remained for the entire film. Granted, the theater
wasn't that packed to begin with, but still …
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