Yet more mapesque entries. A few weeks ago Spring and I were driving around.
Okay, I was driving, Spring was passengering. She was also looking at a map
of Florida I had in the car, concentrating on the section for South Florida
(which consists of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and aaaaaallll the Palm Beaches, to
mimic nearly all the radion and television stations down here) and right
there, in Pompano Beach, is Storyland.
“Storyland?” I asked. I've lived down here for 22 years now, and I've
never heard of the place.
“Storyland,” she said, pointing to the map. “See?” She held the map to
where I could see it. At the next red light, I took a look.
“Yup. Storyland.”
So it's been in the back of our minds for some time now. I quickly checked
the map in question just now to remember the name (“Toy—something or
other?” “Um, … Storyplace?”) and one quick Google
search later, and yes, it did
exist. Neat!
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