Sunday, February 18, 2001
If you are currently with America Online, please don't bother to sign up! You have been warned…
This advice will save both you and us needless frustration. We are incompatible with your computer system as screwed-up by AOL configuration software and You. In fact, a lawsuit is in the works against AOL. So be warned, NO REFUNDS or CREDITS will be given.
As a general rule, America Online users are not computer savvy or it seems, capable of the level of technical sophistication necessary to operate a computer outside of an AOL environment.
This is the type of ISP that Mark would like.
More on CVS
I finally got around to setting up CVS. I find that I like being able to easily (with one command) snarf down code from a central location (like my home system here) anywhere (such as work), hack away, and then with one command, ship the code back to the central location (home).
What I don't like is the inability (unless I haven't read the documentation enough) to update the change log per file, instead of just one change log for every file that's changed.
The code I'm writing is still in serious development phase, and so this constant checking-in and checkout-out is making the revisions pile up.
Perhaps I'll have to rething my log updating stragedy.