The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Thursday, Debtember 21, 2000


It's cold. It's beyond brisk. It's beyond nipply (as Spring would say). It's cold! As in, in the 30s, with a wind chill expected to get down to the 20s. In Florida!


Cult of Kibu

The Face of Animals took her unhiring gracefully (she had a day job at the local zoo), but the Face of Advice immediately burst into tears. This was followed by pleading ("The girls need me!"), hysteria (hiccupy sobbing), threats ("I want my image taken off the site immediately!") and although I'm no therapist, what seemed like suicidal ideation ("This job meant everything to me! It was my life!"). To make matters worse, I canceled the Face of Advice's upcoming story, "How to Deal With Rejection." A couple days later, I called to see how she was doing. "I still can't believe I'm being fired!" she wailed. "Oh, no," I assured her. "You're not being fired. You're just being, you know, unhired." It didn't sound that strange at the time.

Via CamWorld, Inside the Cult of Kibu

I just can't believe the depths of stupidity that .coms hit. I mean, how where they expecting to make money anyway?

But not as nipply as Bismark

Driving home from work I hear that winter officially starts at 8:37 am (Eastern it seems) this morning. It was also reported that Bismark, North Dakota reported -12 degress with a wind chill factor of -51. At those temperatures, it doesn't make that much of a difference between Celcius or Fahrenheit.

My god it's cold!

More DSL woes

The IDSL unit finally arrived! Giddy with excitement, I rip open the package and start hooking it up. I tell Rob (my roommate) to call up Velotel to get the IP addresses assigned for me (they didn't call me back. No big deal).

The IDSL unit isn't syncing up. I still don't have my 5 IP addresses. I think I'm slowly sinking into DSL horror territory. I call up Velotel and report the problem. They call North Point (who is providing the actual circuit). North Point is calling Bell South.

And the circuit still isn't syncing up.

helping rob wrap presents

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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