The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, October 25, 2000

The first day on the night shift and I walk into a fire storm. The entire network is doing the yo-yo fadango.


The only job more potentially boring than the one I have is the security guard that sits in the same office as I do, watching the camera monitors.

I mean, it's somewhat interesting to watch the monitors from time to time, but for hours on end? Without a computer?

I'm under a wierd network attack. I'm seeing the following:

S:00C07B4D7D81 D:00806981001F  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00806981001F D:00C07B4D7D81  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00C07B4D7D81 D:00806981001F  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00806981001F D:00C07B4D7D81  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00C07B4D7D81 D:00806981001F  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00806981001F D:00C07B4D7D81  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00C07B4D7D81 D:00806981001F  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00806981001F D:00C07B4D7D81  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00C07B4D7D81 D:00806981001F  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038
S:00806981001F D:00C07B4D7D81  IPv4        S:   D:     ICMP    echo request	1038

Ad nasuem. 00:C0:7B:4D:7D:81 is the ISDN unit, and 00:80:69:81:00:1F is the terminal server I have, which Mark used to dial into, until he got IDSL. I turned the terminal server off, and I'm still seeing echo requests from coming in, every three seconds or so. There's nothing in the packets (just zeros) which is odd. I can't traceroute to so it's probably forged source packets.

The destination IP address is interesting—it was Mark's broadcast address, which leads me to think this is a so called smurf attack.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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