Saturday, September 02, 2000
Quake 2 Goodness
(Technically I left the house yesturday around 11:45 pm, but the events that transpired happened today after midnight, so they're listed under the 2nd)
The usual suspects (Greg, Larry, Martin and myself) arrived at an undisclosed location (least one of us get in trouble) for several hours of Quake 2 goodness. Out of the five games we played, I won four.
I still can't win with the crew at Atlantic Internet though.
After the games, Martin, Larry and I ended up at Denny's for food. Hey, it's the only place still open at 3:30 in the morning.
Mark's Labor Day Weekend BBQ and Swim Party
Immediately after getting up (around 2:30 pm) Mark called to inform me I was running late to his Labor Day Weekend BBQ and Swim Party at his house.
I still beat Kelly to Mark's house, even though Kelly got up earlier than I did.
While there we ate way too many hamburgers, hotdogs and Cheezy-Poofs, watched Office Space and went swiming.
Well, Mark, Kelly and Jeff went swiming. I didn't as I had other plans later on in the evening (namely, the Saturday D&D game were I was the Guest DM so I couldn't duck out of it).