Around 6:00 pm Kurt and I walk downstairs and enter the dining room for
the social gathering. Provided for the guests are orderves and beer
(American). There were two couples already in conversation; Kurt grabbed a
bear, I an iced tea and we sit down at a nearby table to listen in.
Perhaps fifteen minutes later, the younger of the two couples excuse
themselves and leave for dinner. Kurt then engages in conversation with the
remaining couple, a pair of retirees on their second visit to St. Augustine
from their home in Jupiter, Florida. The gentleman used to work in a
television studio but it's never made clear in what capacity. I think his
wife was a teacher and the talk soon turned to our themed vacation of
haunted house hunting and later, to Kurt's career as a high school English
Perhaps a half our later the older couple decided it was time for dinner
and we left for dinner.
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